
Sunday, March 22, 2009

So Sophie's taking a late nap on my bed, Maddy's asleep on my lap and Brian's coming home from Maine as I type...what I should be doing is catching up on dishes/cleaning, but instead I'm blogging. ha!

Things are going pretty good around here. Maddy is adjusting well to everything and eating like a champ. She takes 3oz. pretty regularly now, though usually it's only 2oz at night when she "nibbles". I have a feeling she's going to sleep through the night before Sophie ever did (at 10 months) and that seriously excited me. Maddy might have a touch of reflux that I'll talk to the doctor about at our next well-baby checkup. She has been spitting up more, but since I have a lot of experience from Sophie's spit-up days, it doesn't seem too much different. Just in bibs longer, keeping her upright as much as possible, getting those bottom belly burps out and getting her to eat slowly since she does not like me feeding her less, more frequently. At her doctor checkup on last Tuesday (the 17th) she was 7lbs, 9oz and 20 inches long. So she is as big as Sophie was at birth now, and I have something to go by! Yay! She's just so cute and snuggly.

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