
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

She laughed!!

Maddy laughed in her sleep today! It was the cutest sound I have ever heard and honestly took me by surprise. At first I thought she was choking on spit-up, but she had a HUGE stinkin' smile on her face and she was actually giggling really hard. So sweet! She's making some throat sounds, so I have a feeling she'll be coo-ing before too long! Right on track with her due date. *phew* hehe.

She has also been giving me the best smiles lately. She certainly knows her Mama! She's up to about 9 1/2 lbs now and 22 inches long and is on the charts finally (10% for weight, 25% for height) and I am SO pleased! By her next appointment (in June) she'll probably be able to switch to regular formula and hopefully will be big enough to wear 0-3 sizes finally! ;oP I love her being small though because she's so easy to snuggle.

She's such a sweet and good baby. God has truly blessed us! She slept and hardly made a peep at the Pi Nu Epsilon National Convention I had to bring her along to on Saturday. And the fact that Sophie adores her sister and isn't jealous is so amazing. <3

And wish me luck! I am hoping to start cloth diapering by next week, once everything is washed enough to absorb properly and I have a large enough stash ready. I'm very anxious, but excited to start! It's better for the baby, the environment & my checking account, so why not give it a shot?! :o)


  1. So cute! :) She's getting so big, even though she's tiny! So glad to hear she's on the charts!

    Ashlyn was never jealous of Aiden either so it made everything much easier!

    So awesome you're switching to cloth. I think you will like it. We love it!

  2. she's only 3lbs less than my almost 4 month old. I think she'll be catching up in no time ;o) And I think 10% is low cause I entered her on a growth chart that I use and it said she was 18% for her birth weight.


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