
Saturday, June 13, 2009

Update Schmupdate

I am so tired from being outside all day/night, but I figured I should write an update. Things are going alright around here aside from having issues with the landlord again. Ugg.

I finally got to meet Brian's dad's side of the family 3 weeks ago. Grandma Campbell was the first person to get Maddy to giggle, and boy did she giggle!! We get little laughs here and there, but Grandma Campbell got some hardy belly laughs. Love it! :o)

Also got to finally meet another Babyfit mom! Sophie, Maddy & I met Lora, Sean & Annelise at Park City 2 weeks ago. She was just as sweet in person as she is online and the kids were adorable! She's not really too far away, so we definitely plan on meeting up again too!

Last Sunday we headed up to Birdsboro for my friend Becky's bday party/bbq. We all had a blast and Sophie got to play with her neices. I also got to show off Maddy, which I love to do too. hehe. It was nice seeing Becky & Brad again after not seeing them since November! I'm hoping we can visit them more often again. I just really enjoy their company.

I spent the majority of the last week at the in-laws because they had car trouble and needed rides to/from work and to the doctor. I was happy to help out because they have helped us out PLENTY and it's time to return the favor. Sophie loved seeing them for a few days as well. Poor Maddy got a cold during our visit, and is just starting to shake it. Poor babe has colds or allergies more often then not! I will definitely bring it up to the doctor at her well-visit on Wednesday. I'm anxious to see how big she is too. Here's hoping she can switch to regular formula soon too. That preemie formula does a number on her belly, but it definitely helps her grow! hehe. She's still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but did fit one 3-6 month outfit! Whoa! LOL. Maybe my 4 month old will wear 3-6 month clothes before she turns 6 months afterall! I've never gotten so much use out of these small sized baby clothes. hehe.

Sophie is still awesome and keeping up with the big kids. I get compliments that she acts a lot older than she is, which always makes me feel good. She is always reminding me that when she gets bigger, she gets to go to school. I am definitely not ready for her to go to school yet, but I know we might be thinking preschool for next fall (2010). She's quite the little lady now too. Ugg. They grow up TOO fast! I just want to push pause and snuggle them both for a long, long, long time.

Oh, and we finally set a date for our summer party! Saturday July 18th at 5 or 6pm-something am!! We're doing Rockband on the side of the house again (via projector) and probably a movie too. Plenty of food, beer, etc and good times. We're inviting family over until probably 8pm when off the kiddos go so we can enjoy the rest of the evening kid free. I'm hoping the pool will be ready too by then. Sophie & I cleaned it off this afternoon and I found a hole in it while doing so that we'll need to find a patch for. Problem is I can't find the hole again. Gah!

Alrighty, it's late, I'm tired. Gnight!

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