
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Death surrounds...

I feel very saddened by the amount of deaths in our family this week. On Monday evening, Brian's grandmother (Grandma Campbell--his dad's mother) died after a LOOOONG battle with cancer. She was in hospice care for the past month and was a spitfire. I am so glad I got to meet her finally in May and show her my girls. She was a great lady and will be missed. I wish I would've been able to get to know her better, but am glad for the time we did have and glad she was the 1st person to get Maddy to laugh ever. A sweet memory I will carry with me forever.

Then I found out this evening that Judy (my step-mom)'s mother passed away today very unexpectedly. Loretta was so sweet and loved the girls. She hadn't met Maddy yet, and I was excited to get to see her soon, but that's not happening now afterall. I am devistated for Judy. She called her mom every evening to check on her and apparently Loretta fell at some point today and passed away. I cannot imagine what she must be feeling and how surreal it is. I can't quite grasp it yet and want to cry, but don't want to upset Sophie (she's still awake. stinker!). What will I tell her? Great Grandma is in heaven? Sophie LOVED visiting her & talked about her a lot. She loved seeing Great Grandma with all of her cats and won't get to do that again. My heart is sad. What happens when Sophie mentions her when we're with Dad & Judy again? I don't know what to do.

This week was supposed to be a happy week. Mimi (Brian's other grandmother--his mom's mom) was here to visit from Arizona & just flew home this morning. We were planning a trip to Dutch Wonderland tomorrow for Sophie's bday early and were planning on leaving for the beach Friday morning to stay through next Sunday (free since we're w/family!). Now I don't know what to do. Brian's grandmother's funeral/memorial service is next Saturday & I don't know yet when Loretta's service will be or if we can even attend. And what to do with the girls during this time...I'm just sad. :'o(

Please pray for our families if you read this. We can certainly use the prayers during this difficult time. Thanks.

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