
Sunday, November 1, 2009

New York!

We arrived in East Aurora, New York at my mom & step-dad (Karl)'s house on Friday night and unloaded the car (which was packed to the gills!! Wowsa!) and then had a yummy dinner Karl made. The girls were pretty good on the ride up with only 3 stops I believe. Not too bad for spending almost the entire day in the car and the day prior as well.

Speaking of which, the girls' doctor appointment went well on Thursday. Maddy is 17lbs, 8.5oz & 28 1/4 inches long and Sophie's 39lbs & 38 1/4 inches tall (was 37 3/4" at the doctor on Thursday, but 1/2" taller at WIC on Friday, but I consider her 38 1/4" because she stood up straight there instead of the slouch @ the adoctor's). Both girls got shots (but no swine flu shot! No way!!!!) and Sophie freaked out when Maddy had to get a prick to have her iron level tested. She proceeded to freak out through Maddy's shots & then her shots too. Now that was super fun. 2 crying, freaking out kiddos. But I got them both calmed down and all was well and I'm glad that's done for another month (when Maddy gets flu shot #2). *phew*

Anyways, the first night here, the girls tossed & turned and slept horribly. I did too. When we were all up on Saturday morning, we played, tried on the Halloween costumes that my mom made for them (Sophie was a sock monkey & Maddy was a cow) and got a visit from my step-sister Nora. Sophie showed off her mad Blackberry skills (she recorded her voice on my phone and found the file to replay for Nora) and impressed us all. Then we visited Karl's mom (Mary) for a bit and she gave Sophie a whole bag of candy for coming over in her trick-or-treat costume. Haha. We then went to visit my mom's friend MJ who owns the local dry cleaners and she gushed over the girls. I love that! A quick lunch at Moe's Southwest Grill (its no Chipotle, but yummo none the less!!) and short journey to the mall later and the girls were just about out of steam. We did out quick grocery shopping at Wegmans (yay!) and then came home to get dinner (pizza & wings. The Buffalo-area DOES have the best wings!), showers and relax by watching Green Acres & bed. Everyone slept much better last night, even if Maddy got up earlier than usual inspite of the time change. We made sure to all wear our Ravens gear from head to toe (diaper included) today while in Buffalo Bills territory (stadium in 20 minutes from here). After some breakfast and cleaning, we watched Finding Nemo until Maddy got up from her long nap and then headed into town to do a few errands & hit the park. Sophie loved it and Maddy napped on me in the wrap. Now we're back at the house and Sophie's about 3 minutes from a nap. So that's the story so far...

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