
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Are the tides turning?!

So I was starting to feel pretty down about being stuck in the house for the past 3 weeks...only going out to play outside and walk to the mailbox. I am a person who likes to be on the go and having no way of getting out was depressing me. I don't want to allow myself to sink into depression again, so I try to find ways to fight it, but this time was just not working. So thank God when my brother's fabulous girlfriend, Bobbie-Jo, came over on Thursday to take me and my girls out to the Gettysburg outlets to Christmas shop/just get away. It was the refresher I needed and I seriously felt very rejuvenated from a day w/her. She's totally the sister I never had, but dreamed of. My BFF! And I am so thankful Adam found her again! YAY!!!!!

We got the phone call in the afternoon that my car was finally finished and it cost less than I mentally planned for (yay!), but still was a large chunk of money (boo!). But at least we were able to pick it up on Friday and are now with car again! Woo hoo!! Then I got 2 packages in the mail yesterday of things I won (a pink/purple tutu I won in October that finally arrived! and my "fairy gram" that will be part of Sophie's Christmas presents now!) I also am done Christmas shopping! Spent an hour at the Dollar Tree yesterday and I am now done! The girls were both SO good too. I think they missed going out w/mommy too. Then last night, I found out I won another giveaway and it was the set of instructional DVD's that I really wanted! I won a few things lately and am waiting for them to arrive. Hopefully won't have to wait much longer for everything! hehe.

Last night, Maddy slept for 8 hours in a row, took 4oz of milk and then went to sleep for another 3.5 hours and Sophie slept for about 12 too. I got to sleep in and just lay in bed for a while collecting my thoughts. Haven't done that in a LOOOONG time & my head fees a lot clearer now. hehe. Plus the snow! about 4 inches of snow arrived today up in the mountain and I played w/Sophie. So much fun! Even when I slipped on my butt. hehe. The Christmas tree is up and the train is running too. The girls love it. Maddy stared at it for probably 20 minutes this morning in awe. Sophie screamed, "OH MY GOODNESS!! OH MY GOODNESS!!" when she saw the tree was up this morning. SOOOO cute! And I got a lot accomplished on the computer today too since Maddy took some good naps. I am feeling good again! :o)

I am hoping this is a sign from God that some things are starting to look up. I'm so thankful I have a way to get to my and Maddy's doctor appointments this week too. I feel so relieved! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you got some me time and some sleep! The girls are so cute! Isn't Christmas amazing through their eyes!

    You always win everything!


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