
Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm So Glad You Were Born

I entered a contest from the Cotton Babies Blog to post about someone little in my life and why I am glad they were born - or are going to be born. One person will win $100 gift certificate to one of my FAVORITE cloth diaper retailers, Cotton Babies, from their entry there are prizes for follow up winners as well! The following is what I submitted & figured it was very fitting to post it on Mother's Day:

I've always dreamed of being a mother. From the time I was a little girl, the only thing I was certain of was that I needed to have children and be someone's Mommy. I followed my mom around like a lost puppy learning how to become as great of a mother as she is. I used to pray for my unknown children before I even met their father because my heart ached to meet them.

My first daughter was a total surprise. I was a senior in college working on her social work degree when suddenly I'm face to face with 2 pink lines. My life changed in an instant. I wanted to be the best I could for her & worked hard to graduate & get life settled before she arrived. I never knew such joy as the moment she was born and placed on my belly that September in 2006. My dream had come true at last. I finally had the daughter I dreamed about having. Throughout her 10 month long colic fits and now her 3 year old defiance, I learned patience. I learned to love someone so completely in an instant and how that love grows daily.

Then in January 2009, I gave birth to her sister at just shy of 34 weeks due to a sudden onset of preecampsia. I was not only blessed with one daughter, God saw my heart needed two girls and protected my preemie during her 2 1/2 week stay in the NICU. It was the hardest time of my life seeing her tiny body hooked to wires and tubes & having to stay strong for her then 2 year old sister. But I was blessed she was alive & growing stronger & healthier by the minute. She has taught me that God never gives you more than you can handle & that every child is truly different so there's no need to constantly compare/contrast them.

I'm currently expecting their baby brother due this July and I've already learned to appreciate every step of pregnancy & cherish our time together before he meets his family on the outside. He was a big surprise, but we've learned to "roll with the punches" and to never take a blessing of a baby for granted.

Everyday I thank God for granting my wish of becoming a mom & fall more and more in love with my sweet children. I could watch them sleep so peacefully for hours and am taking in every single moment I get to share with them. My heart has tripled in size and I know it will only keep growing as they grow up. My life is so blessed!

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