
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fun w/Grandma

As you know, my mom has spent the past year now battling breast cancer.  She was diagnosed last October (which ironically is breast cancer awareness month!), had a double mastectomy in January, chemo this spring & just finished up radiation treatments last month.  She's going to be taking hormone replacement therapy drugs for the next 5 years, but her doctors are very hopeful with her prognosis!  Because of all of her doctor visits, treatments and exhaustion, we have only seen her a few times since the beginning of the year.  But we cherish each of these visits.  We saw my mom on Sophie's 4th birthday for a few hours and got to play at the local mall play area with her.

Mom had time to bond with each of her grandchildren and got to meet Noah for the first time ever.  Maddy warmed up to grandma (she was afraid Maddy would be scared of her & forget who she was despite phone & skype calls we made back & forth) & grandma soaked in the kisses and love.


We spent all day together--grandma getting one-on-one time with each grandchild and looking happier than I've seen her in...well...maybe ever!  We're getting to visit together for a little bit tomorrow after Noah's doctor appointment & the girls are so excited (and so is their mommy! ;o) hehe.).

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