
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hate to just blog & run...

I have so many things I want to blog about, but rarely get my arms free to type!  I'm hoping the craziness dies down this week!  But some quick  points of interest:

Sophie had her 1st dentist appointment & 4 year checkup.  She's the size of a 5 year old (no duh!  The kid needs 5T pants they're capris on her!) & our peditrician said she'll probably be pretty bored in kindergarden in 2 years since she passed the developmental screening with flying colors.  Good thing for mommy to hear--especially after I felt guilty about not being able to put her in preschool this year.  Go Sophie!!

Maddy had a bad ear infection I suspect is still raging on, even after the medicine.  She's still pulling at her ear and fussing & we discovered she was allergic to amoxicillin, so she had to be put on benadryl& azithromycin.  Poor girl!  But she's up to 22lbs now!  Yay for growing in the meantime!

And when Noah was weighed the other day (I just wanted to know what he weighed since we were right there anyway!), he was up to 11lbs, 10oz!  He's still nursing about 1/2 and 1/2 formula, but I'm actively looking for donor breastmilk now to supplement him with.  A friend of mine was talking to me about it and after prayers and thoughts, I know I would rather him be on breastmilk than formula.  And if I can find a donor I trust, then that's what we'll do.  I will update more about this too.  I have a whole post started about it! :o)

Brian's had a few interviews w/no call backs yet & the one company he was working part-time for is closing their doors in a month, so that job opportunity is gone.  We're a bit discouraged, but have faith that God will keep us going strong & will help us find work.  Please pray hard for us about this.  We're ready for full-time work and a home of our own again.

Tomorrow looks like it's going to be another crazy busy day, but I'll somehow make it through!  Thanks for keeping with me & don't forget to enter my CSN giveaway!  :o)


  1. Following you back hun. Cant wait to read more.

  2. Following back from the blog hops! ; )

  3. NEw follow please follow back

  4. Thanks for following me! I am now a follower of yours too.

    Have a great night!


  5. Thank you for following me. I am glad to follow you also.

  6. Following back from the blog hop.

  7. Thanks for following. Im now following back.

  8. thx for the follow...I'm following back^^


  9. Thanks for visiting Purely for fun...Following back

  10. Thanks for the follow I am following you back!

  11. Thanks for following Mommhy Time Out

  12. Hi! Thanks for visiting me. Now I'm following you. I'm doing my first giveaway (CSN $35) stop over and enter if you get a chance.

    Happy fall!! :)


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