
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Shutterfly Holiday Card Promotion!!

Christmas cards are so much fun to give and receive during the holidays.  They're a simple way to show you care and I LOVE getting them in the mail as a kid (heck, I still do!).  I know I always loved getting the family photo ones to see how much people have changed since last year & my mom does an amazing "sock monkey Christmas" family photo card every year that my whole family looks forward to.  I hope she has time to do it this year again, because it was so much fun seeing what traditional holiday pose she would put her sock monkeys in.  She's so creative!

So for as much as I love getting Christmas Cards, the one thing I HATE to do having to spend all of that time signing "Love, Brian, Andrea, Sophia, Madelyn & Noah Campbell" and sticking a wallet sized picture of us with the our names written on the back, inside of it to share with family. We have a big family (with over 30 1st cousins, 14 Aunts & Uncles & 3 sets of grandparents on just MY side--let along adding in Brian's family.  Yikes!) and I really do love sharing cards & pictures with everyone, but just HATE signing them. I can't kick my butt into gear to do it, so they always get sent out late.  Probably part of my OCD kicking in, but when I heard about Shutterfly's beautiful Christmas cards, I thought, "problem solved!!" A picture and Christmas card in one AND you can personalize them, so no more signing the night away! WOO HOO! But now I have to choose from all of their amazing designs!  This may prove to be difficult as there are so many neat ones!!!

I liked this one for something more classic:

Or how about this Christmas photo card to share a few family photos. Lord knows we have plenty to share:

Or simple Happy Holidays cards to share the spirit of the season:

Or how about a classy invitation to your cookie swap! I thought this was ADORABLE:

And Shutterfly doesn't have only holiday cards, they sell all sorts of amazing custom photo items. Brian once got a poster-size print of the two of us to hang. And the picture quality remained outstanding, so I was very impressed!  I just wish he would've chose a picture where I didn't have such a goofy grin on my face.  hehe.  I loved browsing through all they have to offer and boy is there a lot!

Maybe this year I'll make Maddy a personalized birthday card.  Can you believe she'll be 2 next month?!!?

Or make Brian a custom mug with pictures of his kids:

Oh the endless possibilities!  I may have to get some help figuring out what to get! :o)

Bloggers are eligible to receive 50 free holiday cards from Shutterfly. Find out more about this promotion by filling out the form here.

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