
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Vote for Mama Campbell!!

Please vote for #38-"Mama Campbell" here at Baby Makin(g) Machine's blog!  I entered to win a Sprout Change Super Saver Starter Kit to give to my Aunt Sandi for her 2 babies in diapers & want badly to win!

Money is very tight for them & they work so hard to make a happy home for their 5 children ranging from 2 months old to 19 years old.  She keeps talking about wanting to venture into cloth diapers for her youngest 2 under 2 years old.  She just doesn't have money to spare to start a stash.  I hope to win some for her for Christmas since money is super tight here & I can't help buy her any (w/no job offers coming in yet.  Keep praying for one to appear soon!) & winning a stash like Jen is offering would be amazing for them!  So please vote for us here (she'll randomly draw a name from the people w/the top 5 highest votes on November 14th) & pass it along!  Thanks!!

P.S. If you're friends with me or Sandi on facebook, please don't let her know!  If we win, I want to surprise her!! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am your newest follower and would love a follow back...if you would, please. :) I LOVE your blog! I am a Christian mom to my two babies and VBAC'd our son a little over 4 months ago. I am a die-hard breastfeeder and LOVE to nurse anywhere, anytime! Hey, we eat in public, why shouldn't our babies??? Anyway, great blog!! :)


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