
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Breastfeeding Blog Hop!

Introducing a weekly blog hop to connect with other breastfeeding-friendly bloggers!

Host: @LifeWithLevi

Co-Hosts: @PlayersNamed@iamambermccann

This Week’s Guest Host:


Here are the guidelines for this blog hop:

  1. Visit the 4 blog hosts for the week (spots #1-4) Spot #4 will always feature a blogger randomly selected from the previous week’s blog hop. Be sure to leave a comment that you found them through the Breastfeeding Blog Hop so they can follow you back!
  2. Please only link up your blog if you are breastfeeding-friendly. If you have posted about breastfeeding (and/or pumping) in the past or plan to post about breastfeeding, that’s you!
  3. Repost the linky (link for the code is in the lower right-hand corner of the linky below) on your blog to help promote the blog hop. Be sure to add some info about YOU so others have a place to say “Hi” & let you know they’re following.
  4. Grab the button below if you’d like and display it in your linky post or your sidebar.
  5. This blog hop will be active from Thursday, 01/13 – Sunday, 01/16.
  6. Be sure to include these guidelines when you add the Blog Hop Linky Code to your blog.
About ME (Mama Campbell) – I am a 27 year old mama of 3 kids age 4 & under.  I've been nursing our newest addition for the past almost 6 months, which is longer than I was able to nurse my 2 girls combined due to Insufficient Glandular Tissue (IGT) not allowing me to make enough milk for my babies!  I'm glad to be still nursing & don't have plans to stop anytime soon!  Check out my tags of "breastfeeding" to read more of our experiences!

1 comment:

I love getting comments! Thank you!