
Monday, February 7, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

1. Birthday #3 on Saturday was fun (except for sitting in traffic for 1.5 hours thanks to an accident).  My Elmo cupcakes for Maddy & Frog cake for my Aunt Dolores were a hit!  YAY!  My girls were so friendly and had so much fun playing together & barely fought.  It was a nice break. lol!

2. Noah is going to be crawling very soon.  He does baby push ups and will hold himself on his his hands and feet for at least a minute.  Plus he scoots backward and knows how to slide on his belly to get whatever he wants.  It's bittersweet.  I want him to be a baby for a long time, but proud of his progress. He's also starting the teething process. It will be a new experience for our nursing journey, but I'm looking forward to it!

3. I really really really want to start sewing/crocheting/knitting.  Like bad!  I have so much wool (yarn, sweaters, fabric, etc) waiting to be made into longies (pants), shorties (shorts), & soakers (covers).  I think I'm mostly afraid of cutting fabric and doing it wrong so I've then wasted my wool.  Must get over myself & just do it already!

4. Can I just say I am still SO psyched that the Steelers lost yesterday?  I wasn't rooting for the Packers per say, but mainly rooting AGAINST the Steelers.  Their loss was a sweet victory for this household last night.  Almost as good as a Ravens win! ;o)

5.  I am praying we get a decent tax return this year.  Our bills are coming due (we paid a CHUNK of bills last year with our return) & I want to get ahead again.  It was such a good feeling not having that car insurance or storage unit fee over our heads while we continue with the job hunt.  If it's decent (we do have an extra tax deduction this year afterall), I am also spurging on a new diaper bag from Brooke Van Gory Designs.  I have a little saved toward one, but my diaper bag is showing wear after using it for the past 2 years & I'm ready for something a bit bigger too.

6. I am sad that on Thursday Nifty Nappy is closing shop due to the CPSIA ruling regarding lead testing on all items marketed toward children under 12. I have been selling off diapers I don't use much/at all to get some NNs before Vilate stops selling them. I have been fortunate enough to win a lot of my NN stash, so it'll feel good to purchase a few more to add to it.

7. Maddy went to bed at 6:45pm last night (typically goes to bed between 8-8:30).  Lately, she's been freaking out & crying when I lay her down in her crib.  I thought she was scared of something, but can't figure out what.  We have night lights on and a little lamp too, but she's been terrified to lay down alone, so I end up rocking her for a long while to go to sleep, which has never been the case with her. Maddy's always been a very independent sleeper (prolly from her NICU days), so I was grateful for the good sleep from her last night.  Keep it up kiddo!

8. I'm very frustrated with Clean B detergent.  I placed an order on Black Friday with hard earned pay pal money.  Melissa said it could take up to 4 weeks to get it since she was behind on orders & was temporarily closing shop in December to get caught up.  I emailed her in the beginning of January saying I was hoping my soap would come soon & getting frustrated it was well over 6 weeks at that point with no soap (though she gladly took my money right away).  She said it was taking her longer to fulfill orders & I'd get it soon (btw-she reopened her shop in January to take on more orders too).  Well, here it is February 7th & still no soap.  I'm going to email her one more time and give her one more week to get my stuff sent out & there had better be extras in there to somewhat make up for her poor service.  If I don't receive my soap, I will be filling out a pay pal claim against her.  And while I loved her soap for our cloth diapers, I am not giving her one more dime because of her horrible customer service.  I prefer to support work at home moms whenever possible, so I'm looking for a new diaper friendly soap.  Any recommendations?

9. And ending on a good note, I have plans in the works to meet up with a milky mama this week.  And I've been in contact with another, closer mama too!  I'm trying to not get TOO excited, since this is where it typically failed the last few matches, but I just have a good feeling this time!  Here's hoping!


  1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a large tax return as well. We pay my student loans in advance and I love not having to pay it every month.

  2. Good cloth diapering soap: I don't cloth diaper, but I swear by their soap, and a ton of cloth diapering mama's do too.


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