
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Oh poo!

Literally! My days seem to consumed by poo lately. Maddy has been daytime potty trained for months now & all of the sudden she is regressing & not pooping on the potty. I think she's done it 1x in the past week? Ugh!! I wish I knew what to do aside from being gentle & reminding her that poop goes in the potty. Is it because we spend most of our days outside now & she's out of her element? Blah! I'm considering getting her some side snapping training pants because cleanly poo out of panties that are being worn sucks. Poor Maddy is so skinny that her chicken legs won't keep the trainers we do have on her legs without huge gaps which will lead to leaks. Blah!

And Noah's been having some gnarly messy poos from this cold he's fighting. They've been contained in our new stash of Nifty Nappy fitters, but they've been epic! Twice now I've been able to catch his signal for poop & race him to the potty. I just wish I had the patience for doing EC with him.

So sorry for the lack of posts, but I'm literally dealing with a lot of poo lately!! :op


  1. My days are filled with pee and poo from the toddler and the puppy. =( My prays center around potty training these days... Lol. Good luck to you!


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