
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Happy Belated Birthday Sophia!

I haven't posted in about a month.  Yikes.  Big happenings were that Sophie had an awesome birthday.

Sophie turned 5 last month.  She's 5!!!  That means I've been working my dream job for 5 years now.  I am so amazed by her every day & while she just turned 5, sometimes it's hard to believe she's only 5, more like going on 14! lol!

She's a sweet, helpful girl who follows directions very well (unless it involves cleaning up toys), shares everything with her siblings, is a wondeful "little mother" to Maddy & Noah, can tie her own shoes, write her name & count to 100.  She loves to learn & is trying to figure out how to read.  She loves Monster High toys & her favorite doll is Lagoona Blue.  Her favorite colors are pink & purple, she loves watching the Ravens with Daddy & still loves watching Strawberry Shortcake.  She also loves to help me cook, make the beds, set the table, and pour drinks for everyone & has discovered she likes to earn an "allowance" of sorts when helping out. lol!  I love this girl with all of my heart & am so proud of the little lady she's growing into.  I'm thankful she still adores cuddling with mama, because I need it probably more than she does.

Her party was nice.  Small & intimate, but she had a lot of fun & got a lot of neat toys too.  My brother, Aaron & his girlfriend Jess gave the best present: the Lagoona Blue bed set that Sophie requests to look at each time we go to walmart.  She was so happy!! :o)

Sophie in LOVE with her Lagoona Blue present!
opening more great presents!
blowing out her candles (with Maddy's "help")

She also requested I make a rainbow Monster High birthday cake, so I obliged (it was actually very easy! woo!) & everyone loved it. Yay!

cake before it was baked

decorated cake!

rainbow cake inside!
beautiful rainbow inside

I still cannot believe she's 5!!!!  Jeesh, does time fly or what?!?!

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