
Friday, July 5, 2013

Baby News Well Recieved!

So I finally shared our exciting news on Facebook yesterday like this:

"With all of these statuses celebrating Independence Day, I feel compelled to share our joy of celebrating the 4th from the Campbell's!"

And we have received overwhelming support and love. :) It really made me feel good to have so much excitement about another adorable Campbell joining our family. This wasn't exactly the timing we had planned for adding to our family, but God has different plans and everyone who matters to us is happy for us too. :)

And truthfully, this baby won't cost us anything extra except for gas money to dr appointments, as we've already met our deductible this year  "thanks" to my allergies/sinus/ear issues & the fact I have a full set of cloth diapers in perfect shape for another babe if not for 2 or 3 more babies, all seasons of clothing for a boy or girl up through age 2+, an infant seat that won't expire for 3 more years, tons of toys/baby carriers/swing/blankets/baby extras/etc from the others & my BFF has already put aside some of her milk for the likely chance that the new babe will need to be supplemented. I also scored a few hundred milk bags at a consignment sale last weekend for $2 to give her. But I have been proactive with trying to build breast tissue and have a solid plan in place for the third trimester to help as well, with a goal of the new babe receiving only breast milk for 6+ months. We can do it!!! And Noah is still nursing every once and a while, so maybe that will help as well. I never thought I'd make it to nearly 3 years of nursing, but here we are. :) Nursing while pregnant is no easy feat, so extra kudos to all of the mamas out there doing it! You all have my deepest respect.  

I've been feeling movements for about 5 weeks now, but they're starting to get stronger. I cannot wait until the kids can feel the baby too. Sophie asks about what he/she is doing and their size all of the time. Maddy & Noah have been fighting over it being a boy or a girl. Maddy insists its going to be a girl with blonde hair & blue eyes named Sarah. Noah says its a brother. We should hopefully find out in about 5 weeks--likely on my birthday for our big ultrasound! What a great way to celebrate the big 3-0! And my mom is planning on being down that week so we can share that moment with her too. I cannot wait!

Just glad for such a positive reception for this sweet babe! :)

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