
Sunday, April 3, 2011

CSN Review (from November)

So back in November, I was contacted to do a review for CSN stores. I shared it on my blog & was having fun looking through all of the stuff they offer to find something I'd like for our review. I was so excited! I picked out this Baltimore Ravens frame. It cost a little more than the voucher to have it shipped, so I paid the difference and patiently awaited its arrival. When it didn't arrive after a few weeks into December, I contacted CSN to find out what happened. Apparently they don't have these in stock & never bothered to take down the link, so they sent me a refund for my portion and said they'd reissue me a voucher for the review.

Fair enough. So I waited...and waited...and waited...and waited. Weeks turned into over a month with no reply, so I contacted again in January. They apologized and said they'd get it sent out. So I waited again. Nada. Finally after nearly 2 months of this, I tweeted that CSN stores is awful with contact and the treatment of its reviewers. I got instant communication then! They tweeted at me to tell me to email a certain address to have this straightened out. So I emailed (mid February now) and within a week, they solved the problem and regenerated a new code. I didn't have extra money to use it that day, so I waited until I had a little extra to get that neat frame for our family Ravens picture. I tried to use it and it came up as expired. What? I JUST had it generated!

So again, I emailed....and waited...and waited. When they finally emailed me back, they explained that codes are time sensitive and they're sorry, but they won't regenerate a code. I emailed them in mid March telling them (again) that I was supposed to receive a code to review their company for my blog. This time I shared how disappointed I was in the lack of customer service on their part & I would hate to put that in my review. Surprisingly, I got an email back within 24 hours that was very apologetic.  They sent along a new code & wrote a nice letter sounding very butt-kissy, but I appreciated that extra effort finally.

So I went to look around on CSN this weekend and they added even more, better things since November.  At first, I wanted to get a new cloth diaper.  But then I remembered I have a bunch of diapers coming whenever Vilate's done making them, so that's out.  Then I though about a sprinkler or toy for the girls this summer, but Brian reminded me that we don't have a good place for one here.  Boo!  Did you know they carry babywearing carriers, wraps & slings?  I kinda wanted to get one of those, but I have a ton already.  I spent hours looking through stuff before I spied a few things I had been wanting, but didn't even realize they carry!  I got a nursing necklace (to hopefully distract Noah while nursing--he's all over the place lately), some paints & paint brushes for the girls Easter baskets & a cute Melissa & Doug toy for Noah's Easter basket.  Yes, I got all of that with a $35 voucher! CSN's prices are excellent & their shipping is cheap and even FREE on some items!  Talk about bang for you buck!

I was very pleased with how many great things they offered & their easy checkout process.  The look of the store even changed a bit since November & when I tried to order 2 of the paintbrush cups, the site informed me that there was only 1 in stock rather than making me wait until I was completely checked out & things just didn't ship like last time.  Then I got my confirmation email that some things were shipped already!  I placed my order around 1am on a Saturday morning & got a confirmation that a few of the items shipped before 3pm that same day!  Holy cow talk about awesome!  I was seriously excited by this fast shipment.  Everything was promised to be here before the 1st and it all was!  Talk about fast shipping, from 3 different suppliers too!

The goodies we received in plenty of time to go into the Easter baskets!

So there ya have it.  My CSN review.  I am glad that after several months, they finally got their customer service in order and treated me with some dignity & respect (especially since I was doing a review for them!).  If you had asked me a week ago what I thought about CSN, I would've probably called them some mean names.  But they righted their wrongs, took the blame for their shortcomings (which is RARE this day in age where no one wants to admit fault) & made me a very pleased customer.  Thank you CSN for turning me into a lifelong customer!  Even after all of this trouble in the beginning, I will happily be back to shop & I recommend them to all of my readers!  Check out the TONS of stuff they offer!

1 comment:

  1. The lady that I work with, her name is Caitlin and she's awesome. I've had a great experience each time!


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