Then we went to my maternal fetal medicine appointment, which actually needs to be rescheduled since my ob didn't send my records/ultrasounds/etc. etc. etc. so I go back in 4 weeks and then get an ultrasound and such. We spent the night at my dad's & spend Friday running around. We went to the Green Dragon again & a few other errands we had to run before grabbing some wings from Hooter's for dinner.
Saturday was crazy busy with lots of driving againi. We drove way over to Gap to have an Easter egg hunt with my friend Lauretta's family & some friends. There were like 12 kiddos there and they each got over 20 eggs filled with goodies. Sophie was an expert this year & was SO fast that she collected all of hers & helped Maddy too. They both played until they couldn't stand up & took awesome naps on the way back to dad's house. I wish I remembered to bring the camera, but hopefully Lauretta & other will upload pics so I can steal some. hehe. Saturday evening, my brothers & girlfriends all came to dad & Judy's to visit and it was so great hanging out with everyone. And yay! We get to do it next weekend too for Easter! Bonus!
Sunday was getting the house cleaned up/laundry and washing diapers! I never realized how hard the water was up here, because when I washed diapers at Dad & Judy's they came out SO much cleaner & brighter! They have very soft water & I used 1 T of soap, but the diapers rocked! I love the fact that I didn't need to bring lots of diapers along for our Thursday thru Monday stay, but rather just wash them. Love it! Anwyays, we went to the bowling alley on Sunday evening so Brian could be a substitute for my dad's bowling league (family league that's been going on for well over 35 years now) & I got to show off the girls. They both were wanting to bowl...it was so cute. Must've worn them out really well too, because Sophie put herself to bed and Maddy fell asleep on me once we got back. Love it!
Today I got up early & went to my doctor appointment as scheduled. I had a quick ultrasound to get better pictures of Newbie's heart & spine. He did great with the heart pictures, but was a stubborn little turd with the spine pics and kept moving the wrong way. And he was not shy one bit either. Kept showing off his "little baby tree trunk" (as hubby would say proudly) instead of his spine!! So he is definitely all boy already! After about 15 minutes, I was told to take a pee break and move around so he would hopefully cooperate. It seemed to work and we got the pictures we needed. Everything looked great & I loved seeing him again. I was so proud of him proving he's a boy too, just in case there was an umbilical chord in the way or something. Newbie's heart rate was 138, and this has been the only "true" old wives tale. My girls were 160's & 150's but Newbie's has been 140's or 130's. Probably not too much truth there, but it was neat to see a correlation! hehe.

Oh, and my blood pressure was awesome too!! 117/74 Freaking perfect, especially for me who usually has higher resting pressures. No measurable protein or sugars either & measuring perfectly. God is totally taking care of us and in control. What an amazing leap of faith this pregnancy has been!!
I feel Newbie more and more each day, especially since he's still breech and you can feel those tiny feet kick into your bladder. All 3 kids have been breech until they're bigger, so I'm pretty used to it so far. haha. Just pray he flips around head down so we have better chances of a vbac this time around. I'm amazed how bonded and in love I am already. Each pregnancy it gets earlier, but this one is also special because it's the 1st boy. I really never thought I'd have a boy & didn't get my hopes up, so seeing his little package on the ultrasound was a dream come true. We have a 1st name picked out, but are working hard at a middle name. I don't want it to be boring (which is what it'll be if we name him after a male relative--they're all old fashioned!) and I don't want a "G" or "J" middle name preferably since the girls have those initials in their names. I guess we have time still, but I want this little boy to have a complete name to annoy people with. hehe. We're still planning on not sharing the name we choose until he's here afterall.
Sophie's so excited to meet her little brother too. She requested we name him turtle & loves to talk to my belly. She comes over to it and hugs me and is so excited when telling me "oh Mommy! You're belly is so very bigger!". She's too cute!
Maddy's walking all over the place lately. She's not so great in hard soled shoes, but her 1 pair of leather bottomed ones she'll practically run in. hehe. I need to get more! Where can I find cheap-ish leather shoes for her? I'm so proud of how much growing and developing she's doing. Who would've guessed she was a preemie now?! Yay Maddy moo!
I'm looking forward to next weekend, as we're celebrating Easter w/my dad, Judy, brothers, etc. & we'll be house sitting for dad & Judy for a few days following. I have a lot to accomplish while I'm in the area again, so I hope I can do it!
The girls Easter pictures OH MY CUTENESS! I love them!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad your BP and everything has been great. And yay for extra ultrasounds proving that he's a boy :). I was always terrified that Ashlyn would come out a boy since we had ONE ultrasound at 20 weeks.
Maddy is such a big girl already walking and Sohpie picked a totally cute name. Maybe "Turtle" can he his little nickname hehe ;).
That second picture is AMAZING!! What a keepsake! And thanks for sharing your ultrasounds. I just love seeing those little peanuts all curled up in their happy place. All best wishes, Jami