The little ladies are doing well. Maddy's trying to catch up with her sister now & attempting to run off everywhere she is. lol. She really cracks me up with how hard she tries to copy her sister. And how successful she is at times too! Sophie's usually a very good sister & helper with Maddy (aside from the screaming at her to not touch this or that toy sometimes). I am amazed with how well they play together with one another. They can sit and laugh and laugh and laugh forever & I find myself thanking God again for giving me two girls first. Who knows if we would've had a 3rd baby if we had a boy 2nd. I LOVE the girls sisterly bond. I'm a bit jealous of it at times, but I know my sister isn't blood, but the best friend I could ever ask for, Bobbie-Jo. God knew what he was doing when we met & she really is my sister from another mother.
But anyways, the girls are loving coming to Opa & Oma's house every weekend (my dad & step-mom's house). We've been coming up here to escape and since I usually have doctor stuff to do on the Monday following the weekend or the Friday before, it works very well! They play so well here & adore having a yard to run around in. Sophie's getting awesome on her bike in the driveway too. And man, do they sleep like normal kids here! Consistent bedtimes/naptimes & they eat better too. Less treats then when "home" at Brian's parents house, which I am VERY VERY excited about. I hate all of the junk Sophie gets when she's around Grammy, so this is very nice to see her being healthier again. I worry about how chubby she's gotten in the last almost year, but I know it mainly has to do with where we live.
Things are not looking any better on the job front. Interview after interview, but no offers. It's so frustrating!! Even part-time work is better than nothing, but jobs around here are scarce. I keep praying for God to help guide us and for Brian to get a job soon. He has an interview tomorrow afternoon, but it's hard to get hopes up until he's physically leaving for his 1st day of work. I'm trying very hard to not stress about money & trying even harder to find things to sell in the meantime to make ends meet. I am SO glad that we used our little bit of tax refund to pay off some bills for a few months in advance. So if you think about it, please send up a prayer that we can find steady work again. Thanks!
Brian's doing well, despite the job situation. He's taking a more active role w/the girls, which I'm loving. Definitely helping me out more too since this belly isn't getting any smaller! **note to self: take a belly pic! it's been months since the last one**
Newbie's doing well in there as far as I know. My blood pressures have been consistent & no more protein than before in my urine. I did yet another 24 hour urine collection this week & praying for good results again. It's always stressful until I hear the results. The doctor said I'm measuring right on track & thinks Newbie's head is either down or he shoved his butt in the doctor's hand. lol! Probably the latter since it's our luck! lol! Kicks have been a lot stronger & different lately, so I know he's growing. He's settled into a nice routine too where he doesn't keep me up all night kicking, but rather mostly awake during the day. Maybe it's because his sisters are so dang loud! I'm loving the sweet movements though and cherishing it all. I go back to my maternal fetal medicine doctor on Friday (and ultrasound. yay!) and have my last 2 week appointment June 7th. Then I will be doing weekly appointments and NSTs (non stress tests) up until he arrives. Awesome!
I am still really trying to push winning the pump (mentioned in my last blog) to everyone I know. Please tell your friends, family, neighbors, significant others, pastors, mailmen, enemies...EVERYONE to vote for me. The contest ends this week & we're very very close in actual numbers. Each individual who comments counts as 1 vote for me, so it does not matter if you comment 1x or 50x. I only get 1 vote per individual.
I'm hoping my "lucky streak" continues on, as I just found out I won a Kolcraft Bassinet tonight from one of my favorite blogs, My Silly Monkeys.

We were a bit stressed about where Newbie's gonna sleep since there's no room for another crib anywhere around here & hubby just isn't too keen on co-sleeping since he's a very heavy sleeper. I usually end up with a baby on my chest most of the night anyway, but I needed a safe place for him to nap too & this has been an answer to prayer! I've been diligently tweeting every 4 hours & it paid off.

We were a bit stressed about where Newbie's gonna sleep since there's no room for another crib anywhere around here & hubby just isn't too keen on co-sleeping since he's a very heavy sleeper. I usually end up with a baby on my chest most of the night anyway, but I needed a safe place for him to nap too & this has been an answer to prayer! I've been diligently tweeting every 4 hours & it paid off.
Now I'm hoping that my posting the link to the pump will help me win that too! So if you know anyone with a facebook account or wants to make one, please have them help me out and "like" Mindful Mama's page & comment under this post: It would help me out SOOOO much! And I want to "pay it forward" if I win, so if you have any suggestions on where to donate the bottles (since I already have more than enough of my own bottles), I'd appreciate that as well. *phew* Sorry for such a LOOOONG update. I'll try to be more on top of things again! ;o)
I'm glad for healthy all around! I've been praying that Brian will find a job soon. I can't imagine how stressful it is. I'm glad you won the bassinet! You are sooo lucky! LOL. That's a good win!!! I hope you win the pump too because you deserve it. You have fought harder than anyone I know to breastfeed! You ROCK! I'm glad you can get away every weekend too. Lord knows you guys need that!
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