These are my new best friends currently. Why? Because they're helping make nursing easier & keep my milk supply going, so I am grateful for their help. Plus, I interact with them more than I do with other people right now. Lemme introduce you to:
My daily supply of herbs & supplements: fenugreek, blessed thistle, alfalfa, domperidone, prenatal vitamin, & probiotics.
My Hygeia EnJoye double electric breast pump & Pumpease hands-free pumping bra :
Earth Mama Angel Baby Milkmaid tea that I make into iced tea:
Motherlove More Milk Special Blend Tincture:
My trusty water jug to help me drink tons of water:
Baked oatmeal for breakfast each morning--cut up into single servings:
Oatmeal/flaxseed lactation bars I made:
My Brest Friend support pillow:
The trusty syringe full of pumped milk to supplement Noah with:
Noah & my drugs to help our thrush go away:
Thanks again "friends". I'm enjoying our time together.
I am simply amazed at all that you do just so you can nurse Noah. I am amazed! You are one of the most awesome mama's I know!!!! You keep on rockin' mama!