I've had long hair most of my life. I've been blessed with hair that will look nice curly or straight & grows super fast. It grows even faster (or seems to) while I'm preggo. So after Noah was born, I decided it's time to get my usual haircut
before he starts grabbing it by the handful, 'cause Lord knows enough of it is falling out from the hormone switchover! So I went down to Walmart and got a quick cut & donated it to Locks of Love (again---I've donated my hair to them 4x now!). They are a great non-profit organization who provide the high quality hair pieces to children suffering from long term or permanent hair loss. The hair prostheses provided are custom-made from donated ponytails (from 6-10 are typically needed....so I'm at about halfway to donating a wig now!).
before |
before |
after |
after |
liking my new do! |
Think about donating your hair the next time you get a haircut. While they require 10"+ of straightened out hair for their wig making, they can
accept any decent length (provided it's clean, dry and in a ponytail or braid) to help offset their costs. I feel good knowing that
some child who would otherwise be insecure without their own hair on their head, can have a wig partially made from my donation. These are
high quality hair pieces as well, so they can even swim with their wigs on and no one has to be any the wiser. My hair will grow back in about 2 years, whereas theirs likely will not, so I hope I can keep donating for years to come!
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