Things are looking up for us I think! *knock on wood*
We planned to drive to my dad's house on Wednesday, but decided to hold off until Thursday since Brian was called in for an interview that afternoon. Since it was somewhat along the way to dad's house, we decided to all come along & make one big trip. Well, that interview turned into 2 interviews and lasted over 2 hours. Yep, me & 2 cranky girls sitting in the van for 2 hours. We did pretty good--basically just did our normal kill-time stuff, but repeated it & I bribed them with lollipops too. ;o)
So we finally get here (we're house/pet-sitting until tomorrow since dad & Judy go to the mountains every Memorial Day weekend) & have a nice evening outside with the little ladies enjoying themselves in the sandbox. Friday, on the way to my Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor appointment, Brian got a phone call offering him a job. The company he interviewed for wants him for one of the positions & we'll know this coming week where he'll be working exactly & when he'll be starting! Yay!
My appointment went very well. Got an ultrasound to measure Newbie's growth & he's looking good. He's more transverse than breech, but still no where close to head down yet (which explains all of the crazy twinges in my sides lately!). He measured in about 4lbs, which is steady growth from our last appointment & already bigger than Maddy was. My bp was good too, and the doctor was very pleased with how things are going so far. Yay! I think the prayers must really be working! Praise God for that!!!! I'm mentally & physically preparing for another c-section still, but getting hopeful that I'll get to attempt a vbac.
On the way back from my appointment, we stopped by 2 consignment shops to try to sell some of my old maternity stuff and baby stuff I will never use again. I got a decent amount of stuff sold I could not sell on craigslist, so I was pleased. I wish I could get deeper into my storage unit to really go through all I want to sell, since money's so tight that we could really really really use every dime we would get. But I'm trusting in God to keep providing for us & Brian to start working soon for a paycheck to arrive. Unemployment decided to stop all of the sudden (though his letters state he's supposed to get it through July), and it's been tough. But we'll make it. God always provides!!
Friday night was another beautiful night spent outside. Saturday Brian left to help my little brother move into a new house in Philly & was gone literally all day. I was exhausted from a horrible night's sleep (thanks Sophie), half of that being in a toddler bed. You haven't lived until you sleep in a toddler bed made for someone 1/2 the size of you. Yeah, or not! The girls were good for me thankfully & we spent most of the day outside playing. They even went to bed early (for them) after baths & slept all night!
Today we spent mostly outside & doing laundry (oh joy), but enjoyed a impromptu cookout in the beautiful weather. I got a little pink on my shoulders and legs, but it was worth it. I also experimented with Maddy going diaper-less today. She has a small sore on her bottom from using a disposable flip liner 2 weeks ago that just won't go away. The calendula cream I've been applying has really helped, but I know her butt needed air to dry it out more. So all afternoon (except for her nap), she was with out a diaper. I kept an eye on her to learn her cues & every time I asked her if she wanted to go potty, she gave me her sign for yes or no. When she said yes, sure enough, she'd go pee or poo on the potty!! She even got ticked when we were outside & there was no potty. She REFUSED to pee in the grass. LOL! I swear I am amazed by how far that girl as come! She has barely any words in her vocabulary, but darnit if she's not gonna try to potty train early (just turned 16 months)!! You can't tell she was 7 weeks early anymore, can you? I was just SO proud of her! :o)
So yes, things are looking up for us hopefully. I've been spending a lot of time in prayer lately, so I haven't been feeling so stressed about things. I just feel blessed in my life. Blessed that I've made it this far into my pregnancy (31 weeks) & still doing well. Blessed to have a supportive, loving husband. Blessed with 2 beautiful daughters who are such a joy to our lives. Just feeling very good with our little family staying strong & staying together despite circumstances that could've easily pulled us apart.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Congrats on the new job for hubby! Oh, and the early potty training! :) The days I let my son go diaper free are the days he is also VERY GOOD about using the potty and not going in diapers. He's been interested and using either signs or words for potty since about 18 months, though he's now 25 months...but it's really my fault for not being more regular about it...otherwise I think he'd be trained by now! Congrats to you both. :)