So I've mentioned a few times that Maddy isn't much of a talker & it honestly worries me a bit. Her doctor has said she's not technically behind yet, but she's at the lower end of the spectrum. She signs a few things (milk, yes, no) and can clearly understand when we ask her a yes or no question. She's definitely proven that point again & again. She babbles a lot and says lots of forms of mama (mama, mo-ma, mimi, mommy, muh) & bah sounds for things (bye, bah bah, baby) & hi. I think there are others, but I can't think of them right now. I'm worried that she hasn't added any new words to her vocabulary yet.
What should I do? Wait for her 18 month well-check & just bring it up then? Is there anything I can do now to help her with new words? We talk through things all of the time with her (as we did with Sophie who must have 2 million words in her vocabulary by now--that girl does not stop talking. So this experience w/Maddy is a new one!). What can I do to help her expand her words while we wait?
Thanks for any help or suggestions. I guess I just worry with her, because of her being early & worry about her not staying on track with milestones and all. It's scary & I hate thinking like that, but I just want her to have a normal life, despite her early beginnings. I will never stop worrying about her, but I do hope that I will eventually stop thinking about her as being a preemie & compare her to other kids in her age range.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
The important thing to think about is that she WAS early! So being a month or two behind is probably normal for her, and not worrisome. Does she have an "adjusted age"? I know she's incredibly smart but talking might be one of the things affected by her prematurity, or she could just be taking her sweet ole time.
ReplyDeleteI got Skyla seen at 18 months because the Pediatrician wants them to say at least 3 words by 18 months including Mama and Dada. So if she says at least 3 words, I wouldn't be worried. Skyla was not saying 3 words or Mama and Dada and she is almost 2 and is now receiving therapy.
They teach me things to work with her with and some of the things include repeating things to her like when she grunts for something, "Oh, you want your cup? Can you say cup?" And they strongly recommend reading to her, lots and lots of reading. They were here today and reading an ABC book to her and trying to get her to repeat back the letters and she actually did repeat "L" so it really does work!
Although Skyla doesn't talk, she's very smart, knows what you're talking about when you talk to her, and takes direction extremely well. She just needs help getting learning to talk.
Good luck and like I said, if she's not saying at least 3 words, I would bring it up to the pediatrician. Technically, they don't like to get speech people involved until they're 2 because typically that's when they start to have language explosion. It's very clear that Skyla needs a little push though.
I have also heard from many families that they notice their 2nd born being a later talker if the firstborn is a BIG talker. That might be what is going on with your little one. I'd say if your ped isn't concerned then you shouldn't be, either. But maybe you could keep talking with her and finding games to play with words. Maybe quiet time with just you away from big sister to work on talking would help sometimes, too. (Though as a SAHM with 2 kiddos, I understand it can be impossible to just spend time with one...) :) Her babbling sounds good and sounds like she's working on it!!! Have fun!
ReplyDeletewell, Logan is behind on speech and folks kept giving us a hard time about teaching him to sign, saying that signing would never "force him to talk." :eyeroll: however, the speech therapist and early interventionists have all being encouraging of signing and saying the word at the same time you do the sign.
ReplyDeletethey also suggested giving lots of choices: do you want the banana or the apple? while he still is not speaking clearly, giving him choices has encouraged him to make more of an effort and you can hear that he is trying to repeat certain words.
best of luck to you!
Thanks for all of the reassurance & tips. I feel a lot better with some things to try & things to look out for.
ReplyDeleteI think I worry more about every milestone Maddy does or doesn't do that I ever did with Maddy. And I know I'm supposed to go by her adjusted age (14 months) before I get concerned, but I can't help it!
I will definitely be keeping up with what we're doing & I'm sure she'll start talking up a storm before I know it! :o)
Just in addition to what everyone else said:
ReplyDeleteIn the grand scheme of childhood development, kids will go through periods of time where they are more visual/physical/verbal etc...and while one of those is dominant, the other areas will go to the back burner a little. Usually when kids start walking, climbing, and physically exploring, their verbal skills tend to slow down.
Also, each pediatrician has different guidelines on what kids should be doing at certain ages. I would go with your gut. If you think something is wrong, ask your doctor about EI services. They're free, they come to you, and just having the eval done can be helpful, even if she ends up not qualifying.