Today was a good day! I spent the day visiting my Mom!!! It's been a good 6 months since I last saw her. I cannot believe how much we have both changed in that time. I went from barely preggo to huge & she's had a double mastectomy, hard core chemotherapy treatments, lost her hair & is about to start radiation treatments next week. She looks so great too! She said her hair is starting to come in a bit & you can see the fire & spunk in her eyes. It was SO amazing to see her & hug her and talk in person with her. I missed her SO much. She's my best friend & it was great just hanging out w/her in her hotel room for the afternoon. Any bit of time I get with her is fine by me!
What I also LOVED about the day, was the fact that Sophie was SO excited to finally get to see "her grandma" & she wasn't weirded out at all by the fact that grandma had no eyebrows & a headscarf. She gave her a HUGE hug & instantly reconnected with her. Maddy warmed up fairly quickly as well which totally surprised & pleased Grandma. She was so excited that Maddy took to her so quickly too. I love it! I was a little worried Maddy would be scared of her, since it's been 6 months & Maddy's only been listening to her on the phone, but all worked out! We're going to visit her tomorrow & Thursday as well at her hotel and I can't wait! If Newbie wants to come out & meet his grandma, that'd be perfectly fine w/me! hehe. Then she goes home on Friday for 6 weeks of radiation therapy & starts her hormone therapy (btw-please pray that she does well with the hormone therapy & doesn't get the drastic side-effects she's worried about getting). Then when that's over, she'll get her medi-port removed & start along the path to returning to normalcy again. And next year sometime she'll be getting her expanders taken out & get some brand new boobs! Custom made, lucky lady! hehe. I'm very anxious for these treatments to be over so she can get her life back again & we can visit whenever we feel like it.
It just really made my heart feel full again to be around my mom. What a good day! :o)
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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